
Given Freely

August 30, 2020

Written by Emma Rooker

Then Peter said, "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk."

Acts 3:6

These words are found in the book of Acts, as Peter and John are making their way to the temple in the afternoon for a stated time of prayer. As they make their way up, they encounter a lame beggar sitting at the gate. The scriptures indicate to us that this man had been crippled since birth, and was carried there everyday to implore those who passed by for money and food. Peter directly addresses him in the moment, catching his attention, and the man looks up in expectation. Peter models the heart of God in this instance, recognizing the overflowing abundance of what has been given to humanity through the gift of salvation, through the person of Jesus. Though Peter and John themselves had little earthly possessions or wealth to offer this man, they recognize what they do have: the gift of Jesus, and the healing in His name. Peter commands the man to walk, extending out his own hand, pulling him into an upright position, into healing, freedom and unbeknownst to him, into the redemption of what had formerly been the reality of his entire life.

From the bottom of our own hearts, we desire to model the same posture through EPAGA HomeCare. As a care provider in trying times, we cannot claim to have all the right answers, nor have knowledge of every outcome. We are working tirelessly, day in and day out to serve you and your families and to do so with excellence and merit. We are met with the repercussions of a changing world and the intricacies of a global pandemic, and face daily the reality of a nationwide shortage of care providers. We deeply value and trust our model and staff members, but we know in whom our trust is ultimately placed, in the Living God. We rest in the fact that it is He who has overcome all we are currently facing, the One who reigns high above it all. This is our hope, our anchor, and our greatest confidence.

In the words of Peter, though we do not have access to silver, or gold, nor endless resources, or an abundance of staff, we hold tightly and firmly to the love of Jesus, which is what we do have. From His steadfast love flows our diligence and drive to meet the needs in our community and the changing world around us. We are dedicated to the same generosity and zeal that the apostles exhibited in the scriptures, with our time and our resources. The grace and abundance that has been poured freely over our company, we freely give to our community, to our clientele, and to all of you.

May you receive what has been freely given to us this week, and may we extend the same to those around us. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons.

Freely you have received; freely give.

Matthew 10:8


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Meet guest writer, Emma Rooker!