Breakfast on the Beach, with Jesus
April 4, 2021
Written by Emma Rooker
“When Jesus rose from the dead He didn’t make a speech, He made His friends breakfast.”
- Bob Goff
I am reminded of these words, penned by the beloved author Bob Goff, every Easter Sunday. In the weeks following His resurrection, Jesus appeared to His followers, making His resurrection known to His disciples and proclaiming His victory over death. Bob Goff is referring to a scene described in the Gospel of John, where seven of the disciples find themselves on a fishing boat, where they have presumably been all night, with nothing to show for it. John’s words tell us that the early morning light has broken over the surface of the water, and they have yet to catch a single fish. However, they do catch sight of Jesus; standing on the beach, and inviting them to have breakfast with them. This story in the New Testament offers merely a snapshot of the story, and the majority of the conversation that Jesus held with his disciples is not recorded. However, as brief as the scene may seem, we’re made aware that the meal is the entire point, and there is much for us to observe from this scene of brunch on the beach, served by the Risen Jesus.
1. He sees our work, our striving, and our frustrations.
When Jesus asks the disciples if they’ve caught anything, one can imagine that their empty fishing nets might have been taunting them, serving as frustrating reminders of their lack of sleep and exhausted efforts. While we aren’t fishermen, as care providers we’re no stranger to long hours, strenuous situations and days that leave us exhausted. Yet, we’re comforted by this story of Jesus, knowing that He acknowledges the work of our hands, the hours that we invest, and the care that we offer to our clientele.
2. He has provided for us.
The story tells us that not only did Jesus fill the disciple’s fishing nets to the brim with fresh fish, but He already had a meal prepared for them as they trudged onto the beach after an unsuccessful, night-long fishing expedition. Each of us at EPAGA can testify to the provision that the Lord has given to each of us, and how He continues to provide each day as we engage with clients that we care for deeply, and do work that we love.
3. He desires to be close to us, and to commune with us.
Jesus had quite literally just risen from the dead, and was the living, breathing evidence of a jaw-dropping, incredulous miracle. As Bob Goff mentions above, He could have made an eloquent speech, demanded awards or power, but instead? He prepares breakfast over an open fire, sits with those He loves, and eats with them. Jesus was, has and always will desire and pursue community and relationship with us, no matter who we are, or where we’ve been. Just as he took the time to prepare a meal on the beach for His friends, He has prepared a way for us, sacrificing His own life for our redemption and salvation, that we may be restored to Him in Heaven one day soon. This is the hope that He has professed all along; the same hope that we profess, today and every day.
Happy Easter, EPAGA Family. He has risen indeed.
When the disciples got out of the boat, they saw some bread and a charcoal fire with fish on it. Jesus told his disciples, “Bring some of the fish you just caught.” Simon Peter got back into the boat and dragged the net to shore. In it were one hundred fifty-three large fish, but still the net did not rip. Jesus said, “Come and eat!” But none of the disciples dared ask who he was. They knew he was the Lord. Jesus took the bread in his hands and gave some of it to his disciples. He did the same with the fish. This was the third time that Jesus appeared to his disciples after he was raised from death.
1 John 21:9-14
Meet guest writer, Emma Rooker!