Buying Gifts & Planning for the Holidays for a Senior with Dementia
December 3, 2020
For someone with dementia, the holidays can be tough. Learn how to navigate the holidays—including activities and gift giving for the individual with dementia.
The holidays are often a time of celebration, family and excitement. But for individuals living with dementia and the caregivers who support them, the holidays can present new challenges.
For an individual living with dementia, the holidays can present physical, mental and emotional factors that may disrupt their day-to-day activities.
Individuals with dementia may have limited mobility and need help getting around. If they are visiting a home or other location that they aren’t familiar with, they may have difficulty with stairs.
Crowds and noisy places can frustrate or overwhelm a person living with dementia. It won’t take much for a celebrated family to drum up the noise levels, even at home. Help individuals with dementia seek out a quiet room of the house if they need a retreat.
Holidays can be an emotional time for anyone, and for a person living with dementia, it’s no exception. If the individual has trouble following conversation or remembering things they may feel confused or upset. Have family members practice patience and give the person enough time to finish his/her thoughts.
Whether you’re hosting in your home or attending parties elsewhere, helping a loved one with dementia can add extra stress to the already stressful season. Set proper boundaries with how many events you and your loved one will attend. It’s okay to not make it to every gathering.
Monitor Sugar Intake
An overindulgence in sweets can lead to behavioral issues for a person with dementia.
Avoid Alcohol
Limit your loved one’s alcohol intake. Alcohol can lead to depression and increase their risk of falling.
Involve them
Depending on what they are able to do, involve them in baking, cooking, wrapping and decorating. Creating new memories together while keeping them productive can be beneficial for both of you.
5 Fun & Appropriate Holiday Activities for Someone with Dementia
Create a holiday photo album. Gather photos from past holidays and assemble a photo album as you reflect on past memories and special times together.
Listen to holiday music. Select music that is familiar to them. Put some on as you hang ornaments or set the table. Singing old holiday songs may bring them comfort.
Watch a feel good holiday movie at home. Pop some popcorn and grab a blanket as you cuddle up watching a classic.
Take them on a drive through the neighborhood to look at Christmas lights. Admire the different decorations and holiday displays.
Bake and decorate cookies. They can help by measuring ingredients or frosting the cookies. It doesn’t matter if they turn out perfect. What matters is the memories made.
Home Care Tip:
Be on the lookout for seasonal depression from your older adult. Be on the lookout for these symptoms and how to relieve them during the holidays.
Original Source: ClearCare
At EPAGA Home Care, our caregivers are thoroughly trained in providing care to seniors and those with disabilities, from companionship to 24-hour care.
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