In Every Season
October 12, 2020
Written by Emma Rooker
What do workers gain from their toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God.I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it.
Ephesians 3:9-14
We find ourselves in the middle of October... how on earth are we here already? The trees are beginning to erupt into brilliant color, we find ourselves adding more layers as the days go by, and autumn has finally made her appearance.
As we are confronted with the changing seasons of the year, many of us are confronted with the changing seasons of our own lives; facing decisions regarding our family members and discerning how to best care for them. These are not easy seasons to navigate for anyone, nor easy decisions to make, and we understand the difficulties and stress that often accompany them.
Jesus, made fully human, walked upon the earth for thirty-three years, and there’s no evidence in the Greek text to show that he indulged in a pumpkin spice latte or ever experienced the same climate that we do in October. However, there’s no doubt that He was aware of the changing of seasons Himself, of the shift in the weather and the anticipation of warmer days following rainfall of His first century world. We see in the gospel accounts that He was attentive to the seasons of His own life; in the years that He spent in anonymity, as well as in the seasons He walked with His disciples, healing the sick and the lame. We observe that there were periods of time that He spent alone, fasting, praying and rejuvenating His soul, in the company of His Father. All of us can attest to the multitude of seasons we have found ourselves in; seasons of weariness, and of joy, of work, hope, beauty and of pain. Whether you are entering a season of considering your options when it comes to home care, or in the middle of tending to a loved one who is nearing the end of their lives, your season is important to us.
It’s important that we attend to the seasons of our souls, wherever we may find ourselves. In the midst of every transition and change, we profess to a Living Hope, and the insurmountable peace of a Savior that cares for us in every season we may encounter. At EPAGA, it’s one of our greatest joys to make the transition from independent living to leaning on a care provider an easy one. While the outcomes and new realities can feel full of uncertainty and unknowns, we can assure you that we know the nature of our work, as we provide excellent care to you and your family.
The Bible speaks of agape, a Greek word that far surpasses our English understanding of love, for it is the deepest kind; the fullest expression of our Father’s love. The word agape is foundational to our work, and is embedded in our DNA, as you’ll notice it’s reversed letters spell out our name, EPAGA. This agape love is steadfast throughout every season; it does not grow weary or tired, and it never runs out.
We rest in this truth, in this week, and in this fall season. We wish you a Happy Autumn and pray that you may know the Love that is near as the days grow colder and shorter, and as we gather close with our loved ones. This year has encompassed so many different seasons, and we rejoice in all that we have overcome in the past several months. He is good, He is for us, and His love will sustain us through each and every season.
Meet guest writer, Emma Rooker!