July 1, 2020

Written by Emma Rooker

“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.”

Matthew 5:5-8

In such an incredibly loud world, it can be easy for us to lose sight of one of the simplest things that God asks of us: our attention and our time. Like many, in this season I’ve greatly felt the absence of in-person church services, and look forward to the day when I can worship beside my friends and family again. There’s no question that the past several months have been filled with unknowns and too many twists and turns to count, and we sorely miss our sanctuaries and small groups. However, I must attest to the fact that this season has drawn something out in me that I wasn’t altogether aware of before: a yearning for the secret place.

The concept of the Secret Place runs like a thread throughout the Scriptures, (i.e. in Psalm 32:7, Psalm 139:15, Luke 12:3, etc.). This space is simply the time and space we create in our own lives to spend in the company of God, pouring out our hearts, reflecting on His truth, and letting Him fill us up once more. I’ve personally felt motivated to cultivate my time in the secret place with the Lord even further, especially when I’m unable to attend my home church. There’s no denying that God constantly longs for our attention, our worship, our time, and our reverence. However, the question is often posed: do we long for it ourselves? I know that I personally fall short in this area often. But when reading the passage above from the gospel of Matthew, it’s certain that our Father values what is done in secret, and desires that we value it too. When surveying the family of God, there’s no doubt that we all come from different walks of life, and I imagine that those who read these words most likely belong to different denominations, congregations and are accustomed to different styles of worship. We all come to God in different and unique ways, and the diversity and variety that the Kingdom of God encompasses is beautiful.

This week, I would like to share just three simple things that have aided me in cultivating my own time in the secret place, and have deepened my time and relationship with the Lord.

  1. Taking a moment to breathe before I begin my time with Jesus.

    When I do this, I set my phone on a one minute timer and just sit and spend that time in silence, taking deep breaths, thinking about all that He is and who He has shown Himself to be. I ask the Holy Spirit to center me, and to ground my heart and thoughts and fears. This helps me to focus on Jesus, and Jesus alone, without the sound of the world or my text message notifications clouding my attention.

  2. Finding a specific time in the day that works for me, and committing to it.

    I strongly believe that so much of our faith journey and spirituality is built through the patterns of the rhythms in our lives. Finding a specific time and space in my life that is strictly dedicated to the Lord has been so mandatory for me lately, and has proved to be fruitful.

  3. Listening to Pastors and other leaders in Faith communities about their time in the secret place, and gleaning from their wisdom. (Attached below are the links to a few books that have been monumental for me in my discovery of the secret place.)

Here at EPAGA Home Care, we are certain that our time spent at the feet of Jesus, both collectively and individually is vital to the work that we have committed to. We believe that our compassion, tenacity and care flows directly from the God who embodies compassion and strength, and from the Great Physician Himself. As a family, a company and an in-home care provider, we desire to be constantly moving in the direction of the Father, and in pursuit of the Kingdom. We understand that this begins in the secret place; in the very presence of God. In our pursuit of being sufficient and capable when caring for others, we rely solely on the all-sufficient One, and pray the same for you.

Blessings to you this week.


Meet guest writer, Emma Rooker!