
The Importance of Breast Cancer Screening for Caregivers

The Importance of Breast Cancer Screening for Caregivers

We all know that life isn’t fair, but sometimes it seems like the odds are overwhelmingly against us. Ask any family caregiver who has been diagnosed with a chronic or potentially fatal disease. Their own health and the future of the loved ones who depend on them hang in the balance, which only compounds the distressing news.

Caring for Aging Skin

Caring for Aging Skin

As our skin ages, it becomes thinner, which can add to the appearance of wrinkles. We lose fat, elasticity, and moisture. Scratches and bumps often take longer to heal and are more visible. Depending on the sun exposure we’ve subjected our skin to throughout our lives, we may see more ragged dryness, age spots, even cancer. The routine that we might have used when we were younger is no longer applicable.

Breast Cancer Awareness for Seniors

Breast Cancer Awareness for Seniors

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers women face. The two biggest risk factors for this type of cancer are being female and getting older. Senior women need to be aware of this disease. Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, start the conversation.